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Art  Residencies  :

1 . Estudio Nomade  Barcelona - 2014

March - April   2014 


I had the privilege to attend a Residency in Barcelona, the city of my idol Antonio Gaudi! Also saw Gaudi's masterpieces spread around the city of Barcelona along with splendid museums containing Picasso and John Miro's works!

 My residency in Estudio Nomada was to make a series of art works inspired by the poetry of my late uncle Vijay Sundergopal, who was a Naval officer and to top it all for the duration of my residency I was given a 65year old boat to stay in! It was a challenging yet extremely adventurous experience, one that I'll never forget. 

I also got an opportunity to be critiqued by imminent  artists from Barcelona , and got to work with an interesting bunch of Artists from all around the globe. I learnt a lot. For the first time as an artist I was given a studio of my own outside my home where I could work in an Art filled environment and explore different mediums, Ideas and Techniques, a few of which I have shared below.

I also got the chance to meet various artists and their inspirational ideas and styles on the streets of Barcelona.

My residency was one of the best things that has happened for my Art career and I can't wait to take another journey very soon.


Some of my works from my residency at Estudio Nomada Barcelona

My Stay on the boat for the Residency

. Art   for  Art - 2016

                               April - 2016



Art for Art is an initiation by me and my sister Roshani Gash, the conception and execution of an idea to find pure goodwill through Art as a dedication to our Mother, Shashi, who has inculcated kindness in our lives through the way she lives hers. To call to the passion of every artist who pursues their Art simply for the love of it. Being an artist and my sister being a poet, we exchanged our Art for theirs, in our world we created where neither fame nor money mattered. Gratitude & ovations go out to all the beautiful artists of Barcelona who willingly collaborated with us so graciously.​

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